Tutorial como cambiar el sound de intros y vs y select



Underground city
encontramos el archivo en la carpeta de data luego vamos a system.def y vamos a buscar esto
;Put a filename for a MOD, MP3 or MIDI here, or just leave it
;blank if you do not want music. If an invalid filename is
;given, then no music will play. To play CD audio, put
;the track number followed by ".da". For example, to play
;track 3 from a music CD at the title screen, use:
; title.bgm = 3.da
;To play mymusic.mp3 from the sound/ directory, put:
; title.bgm = sound/mymusic.mp3
;Music will continue to play between screens if the files names
;are the same, and both BGMs are specified to loop.
;Music to play at title screen.
title.bgm = sound/pantrince.mp3 este es para el principio de nuestro juego
title.bgm.loop = 1 ;Set to 0 to prevent looping
;Music to play at char select screen.
select.bgm =sound /sweet chile o mine no tienen mp3 pongan el archivo reproductor
select.bgm.loop = 0
;Music to play at versus screen.
vs.bgm = versus pongan uno de rap para que le de estilo si quieren bueno pongan sound/enojado
vs.bgm.loop = 1
para poner 2 paso
vamos a la carpeta de sound y ponemos
el texto que dise sound
sound/sweet child o mine
autor: rare akuma
Arriba Pie