[VX] Aprender habilidad/hechizo cuando nos equipamos algo

¿Otra vez este? pues si, hoy me estoy poniendo las pilas en postear los mejores script para mis gustos.
Esta vez vengo con un script que permite aprender habilidades o conjuros cuando nos equipamos algo, y ademas
tambien puedes añadirle restriccion de niveles.
NOTA: Las habilidades desaparecen cuando desequipamos el arma u otro objeto.

-Nombre Del Script: Skill Teaching Equipment & Items

-Versión Del Script: 2.0b

-Rpg Maker: VX

-Introducción:Este script permite aprender hechizos cuando tenemos un arma equipada.

-Características: Esta nueva version incluye restrincion de niveles, muy útil en diversos casos

-Demo: No es necesario

-ScreenShot: tampoco

-Script: #==============================================================================
# Skill Teaching Equipment & Items
# Version 2.0b
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: February 20, 2010
#~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Instructions:
# Insert this script just above Main.
# To configure this script, merely go into the item, weapon, or armor in the
# database. In the Notes Field, put in this code:
# \ls[skill_id, level_min]
# where skill_id is the ID of the skill you want the item to teach and
# level_min is optional and makes it so that the skill the item teaches
# is only taught if the actor is at least that level. If it's left blank,
# it is assumed that there is no level requirement.
# You can put in as many of these as you like, so if, for example, an item
# has this in it's notes:
# \ls[5]
# \ls[8, 7]
# Then that item would teach skill 5 no matter what level the actor is, and
# once the actor reaches level 7 will teach skill 8. The script will take
# every instance of that code regardless of what else is in the Note Field
# ** RPG::BaseItem
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - skill_ids

class RPG::BaseItem
# * Skill IDs
def skill_ids
# Only works for Item, Weapon, and Armor
return if self.class == RPG::Skill
learn_skills = []
# Dissect Note
text = self.note.dup
while text[/\\ls\[(\w+),*\s*(\d*?)\]/i] != nil
text.sub! (/\\ls\[(\w+),*\s*(\d*?)\]/i) { '' }
learn_skills.push ([$1.to_i, $2.to_i])
return learn_skills

# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - change_equip, setup, level_up

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Change Equipment
# equip_type : type of equipment
# id : weapon or armor ID (If 0, remove equipment)
alias ma_skill_teaching_items_equipment_change change_equip
def change_equip (equip_type, item, test = false)
unless test
last_item = equips[equip_type]
# Forget the skills from what was previously equipped
skill_ids = last_item.nil? ? [] : last_item.skill_ids
skill_ids.each { |skill_id|
forget_skill (skill_id[0]) if @unnatural_skills.include? (skill_id[0])
@unnatural_skills.delete (skill_id[0])
# Run original method
ma_skill_teaching_items_equipment_change (equip_type, item, test)
unless test
last_item = equips[equip_type]
# Learn the skills from current_equipment
skill_ids = last_item.nil? ? [] : last_item.skill_ids
skill_ids.each { |skill_id|
unless skill_learn? ($data_skills[skill_id[0]]) || self.level < skill_id[1]
@unnatural_learning = true
learn_skill (skill_id[0])
@unnatural_learning = false
# * Setup
# actor_id : actor ID
alias ma_skill_teaching_items_actor_setup setup
def setup (actor_id)
@unnatural_skills = []
# Run original method
ma_skill_teaching_items_actor_setup (actor_id)
for item in equips
next if item.nil?
item.skill_ids.each { |skill_id|
next if skill_learn? ($data_skills[skill_id[0]]) || self.level < skill_id[1]
@unnatural_learning = true
learn_skill (skill_id[0])
@unnatural_learning = false
# * Level Up
alias modalg_skl_teacher_equip_actor_lvlup level_up
def level_up
# Check Equipment and learn skills if not already learned
equips.each { |item|
next if item == nil
item.skill_ids.each { |skill_id|
unless skill_learn? ($data_skills[skill_id[0]]) || self.level < skill_id[1]
@unnatural_learning = true
learn_skill (skill_id[0])
@unnatural_learning = false
# * Learn Skill
alias ma_lrnskll_eqpmnt_8ik2 learn_skill
def learn_skill (skill_id, *args)
if @unnatural_learning
@unnatural_skills.push (skill_id) unless @unnatural_skills.include? (skill_id)
elsif skill_learn? (skill_id)
@unnatural_skills.delete (skill_id)
ma_lrnskll_eqpmnt_8ik2 (skill_id, *args)

# ** Game_Battler (Skill Teaching modification)
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - item_test, item_effect

class Game_Battler
# * Item Test
# user : person using item
# item : the item being used
alias ma_skill_teaching_items_test_item item_test
def item_test (user, item)
effective = ma_skill_teaching_items_test_item (user, item)
if self.class != Game_Enemy
item.skill_ids.each { |skill_id|
effective |= !skill_learn? ($data_skills[skill_id[0]]) && self.level > skill_id[1]
return effective
# * Application of Item Effects
# item : item
alias ma_skill_teaching_items_effect_item item_effect
def item_effect (user, item)
# Run original method
ma_skill_teaching_items_effect_item (user, item)
item.skill_ids.each { |skill_id|
learn_skill (skill_id[0]) if self.class != Game_Enemy && self.level > skill_id[1]

-Instrucciones: C&P. Para poner las tecs, poner esto es notas de el equipable:
\ls[ID de la habilidad, Nivel mínimo]

-Compatibilidad:Creo que funciona con todo

-Créditos: modern algebra

-Créditos menores: a un servidor ^.^

Espero que les guste este script tanto como ami me gusta el Dragon quest XD

Saludos y buen dia
Arriba Pie