[Wii] Help Wanted [NTSC]


Descripción: Play the 1st job simulation compilation centered around odd and quirky jobs! Warning! Light-hearted humor ahead. Help Wanted is a fun, slap-stick game made for families. Save the world from impending extinction by shopping for defensive items. Take the time to shop as you earn money from the daily grind and add keep sakes to your displayable collection.

50 diferentes puestos de trabajo

1. Cleaning Crew 2. Newscaster 3. Astronaut 4. Babysitter 5. Beach Waiter 6. Boat Captain (Resort Captain)
7. Bodybuilder 8. Master Higgins 9. Market Clerk 10. Cook 11. Dairy Farmer 12. Dentist 13. CEO 14. Dry Cleaner
15. Emergency Medical Technician 16. Exercise Instructor 17. Farmer 18. Fire Fighter 19. Fisherman 20. Arctic Delivery
21. Game Creator 22. Goalkeeper 23. Grill Cook 24. Haunted House Monster 25. Interpreter 26. Interpreter 27. Interviewer
28. Clown 29. Lighting Crew Member 30. Make-up Artist 31. Manicurist 32. Courier 33. Pinch Hitter 34. Pit Crew
5. Pizza Chef 36. Policeman 37. Crane Operator 38. Art Restorer 39. Security Guard 40. Aerial Camera 41. Stunt Car Driver
42. Submarine Crew 43. Sumo Referee 44. Action Hero 45. Sushi Master 46. Tailor 47. Teacher 48. TV Camera Person
49. TV Shopping Crew 50. Volleyball Referee

Plataforma: Wii
Región: NTSC
formato: iso
Lenguaje: Ingles/Español
Género: Simulación
MultiPlayers: 2
Tamaño: 955MB
Password: krabby
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Partes: 10 de 95MB más 1 de 1MB
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