^[Brawl Hacks] Balanced Brawl: El segundo mejor hack de Brawl [Brawl Hacks]^

Balanced Brawl

Bienvenidos a este tema sobre el segundo mejor hack del mundo de Brawl: Balanced Brawl.
Antes que nada, quiero agradecer a todos ustedes, mis fans, mis enemigos, a todos los usuarios que han visitado mis dos temas grandes, "Instalacion de Brawl+" y "Tema Oficial de Musica Custom de Brawl", ya que han alcanzado 985 y 139 visitas, combinando un total de 1,114 visitas(?) combinadas, muchisimas gracias, ese es el apoyo que quiero de ustedes, asi me dan mas ganas de aportar a la comunidad, incluso cuando no lo agradecen :) Bueno sin mas rodeos, porque no vamos al grano y les explico este maravilloso hack??

Que Rayos es Balanced Brawl?
Balanced Brawl es un proyecto en conjunto que se trabaja desde hace meses en el foro de SmashBoards, para balancear el juego de forma que todo personaje sea valido en un torneo, de una manera u otra. Esto quiere decir, que todo personaje es igualmente de bueno, no hay mas diferencias que como juegan, y hace el juego mas divertido y emocionante.
Balanced Brawl tiene 3 metas:
  • No habra cambios en el engine original
  • Se remueven los agarres cadena
  • No hay tecnicas avanzadas nuevas
  • No hay cambios radicales en el modo de juego
  • Todo personaje es totalmente servible
  • Toda pista es igualmente de jugable

Esto da a entender un meta juego mas estable que aquel establecido por su hermano Brawl+ e incluso mucho mejor que el Brawl Original. Con esto fuera Balanced Brawl se resume en una sola oracion: DAR UN BALANCE TOTAL AL JUEGO CON UN METAGAME MAS PROFUNDO QUE SU VERSION ORIGINAL.

Ah, si ahora viene lo divertido. Ahora es momento de instalar y jugar Balanced Brawl(Desde ahora le llamare BBrawl para recortar tiempo).
Las buenas nuevas es que se puede instalar sin HomeBrew Channel para aquellos temerosos de sus Wii's. Asi que es tiempo de discutir el metodo mas sencillo.

Metodo #1(Sin HomeBrew, solo para usuarios NTSC-U)
1.- Primero lo mas importante es tener una tarjeta de SD de almenos 525 MB, es lo minimo que pedimos.
2.- Ahora descarga el sig. pack:
Por favor, Acceder o Registrarse para tener acceso a los enlaces.

3.- Descomprime el archivo, es una carpeta llamada Balanced Brawl, ahora pon todo loq ue esta alli en tu raiz de tu SD, AVISO!!
Si tenes otras cosas en tu SD, sera mejor que las cortes y pegues en una carpeta aparte, no queras perderlas o si?
4.- Ahora inicia el Brawl, y vete al Stage Builder.
5.- Presiona el boton A cuando te salga un aviso que diga "Launch Game"
6.- Brawl se reseteara, se iniciara BBrawl. Ahora remueve la Tarjeta SD y disfruta de BBrawl!!
7.- Si no remueves la tarjeta, BBrawl se congelara en la seleccion de etapa. Esto se soluciona reiniciando la Wii e intentando de nuevo.

Metodo #2(Con HomeBrew para todas la regiones)
1.- Tenes que tener la SD, sino no podes haber instalado HomeBrew en la Wii
2.- Descarga estos archivos:
Por favor, Acceder o Registrarse para tener acceso a los enlaces.
Por favor, Acceder o Registrarse para tener acceso a los enlaces.
Por favor, Acceder o Registrarse para tener acceso a los enlaces.

3.- Pon el Gameconfig.txt en la raiz de tu SD
4.- Dependiendo de la version de Brawl que uses debes de elegir el NTSC-U si usas la version Americana y la PAL si usas la version Europea. Este archivo lo pones en una carpeta que debe de ir igualmente en la raiz de la SD
5.- Ahora carga el Gecko-OS, activa la opcion de "Load Codes from SD", carga el juego.
6.- Disfruta de BBrawl!!

Lista de Cambios
Bueno, sabiendo que es un hack, nesesitas saber que rayos de cambios hay en esta version de Brawl no? Pues aqui ya te tengo los cambios la mala: Estan todos en Ingles. Pero sabiendo algo de Ingles podes entenderle facilmente asi que da igual.
Aqui va la lista entera de Cambios:

Core Mechanics changes
Random tripping removed
A precise speed-up in the flopping animation makes jab locks impossible
Slipping while already slipped now results in standing up (makes infinite banana locks impossible)
The glitch by which certain characters would "store" landing lag upon sweetspotting ledges has been fixed
Ground breaks from grab release last 3/4 as long, preventing assorted abuse against Ness and Lucas
Jump breaks from grab release last 3/5 as long, preventing assorted abuse across the cast, particularly against Wario
Being slammed into the ground after being hit by an aerial footstool now results in a normal landing animation

Down tilt close hitbox angle (80) -> (100)
Down tilt far hitbox damage (5%) -> (6%), angle (80) -> (100)
Down smash first hit knockback (73/40) -> (83/47)
Down smash second hit knockback (75/35) -> (86/42)
Up smash knockback (90/32) -> (100/32)
Forward aerial (75/20) -> (75/70)
Back throw knockback (63/70) -> (82/70)
Fireball damage (5%) -> (6%)

Fireball (Luigi's move, not the projectile) is double speed starting on frame 25
Dash attack repeated hits slip element (like bananas)
Dash attack final hit damage (2%) -> (5%)

Forward smash knockback: golf club (70/50) -> (75/50), frying pan (68/30) -> (68/50)
Back aerial sweetspot damage (14%) -> (15%)
Neutral aerial sweetspot damage (14%) -> (15%), angle (45) -> (25)
Neutral aerial sourspot high damage (10%) -> (11%), angle (45) -> (25)
Neutral aerial sourspot low damage (9%) -> (10%), angle (45) -> (25)
Forward throw knockback (83/45) -> (95/45)
Down throw knockback (60/60) -> (15/75), angle (108) -> (106)
Peach Bomber knockback (40/50) -> (50/50)

Jab 2 damage (5%) -> (6%)
Dash attack sweetspot damage (11%) -> (12%)
Dash attack sourspot damage (8%) -> (10%)
Forward tilt damage (11%) -> (13%)
Up tilt damage (12%) -> (13%)
Up smash sweetspot damage (20% -> (23%)
Up smash sourpost damage (15%, 12%, or 10%) -> (17%, 16%, or 13%)
Forward aerial damage (13%, 12%, or 11%) -> (14%, 13%, or 12%)
Neutral aerial sweetspot damage (14%) -> (16%)
Neutral aerial sourspot damage (9%) -> (11%)
Down aerial repeated hits damage (3%) -> (5%), knockback (100/0) -> (15/55), angle (80) -> (270)
Down aerial landing hit knockback (30/60) -> (30/68)
Down throw less knockback (30/75) -> (15/65)
Whirling Fortress initial damage (11%) -> (13%)

Donkey Kong
Jab 1 inner hit knockback (100/0) -> (0/30)
Dash attack sweetspot angle (50) -> (30)
Forward tilt angled up knockback (100/10) -> (100/30)
Forward tilt angled straight knockback (100/10) -> (100/30), angle (-) -> (40)
Forward tilt angled down knockback (100/10) -> (100/15), angle (-) -> (15)
Down cargo throw knockback (26/65) -> (10/80)
Aerial Head Butt sourspot knockback (40/15) -> (40/35), angle (70) -> (20)
Hand Slap damage (14%) -> (15%)
Grab release animation sped up 1.2x (as releaser)

Dash attack sweetspot damage (9%) -> (11%)
Forward tilt damage (9%) -> (10%), knockback (80/40) -> (77/35)
Up tilt damage (11% or 10%) -> (12% or 11%), knockback (40/72) -> (37/66)
Down tilt sweetspot damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (30/65) -> (28/59)
Down tilt sweetspot damage (5%) -> (6%), knockback (30/65) -> (26/55)
Down smash first hit damage (15%) -> (16%), knockback (63/30) -> (72/37)
Down smash second hit damage (15%) -> (16%), knockback (56/30) -> (68/37)
Forward aerial sweetspot grounding element
Pummel damage (2%) -> (3%)
Up throw damage (5%) -> (8%)
Down throw damage (4%) -> (7%)
Egg Lay damage (7%) -> (10%)
Egg Roll does not induce helpless fall state, and restores double jump
Yoshi Bomb stars damage (4%) -> (7%), knockback (40/50) -> (40/56)

Forward smash damage (19%) -> (17%)
Up aerial damage (17%) -> (15%)
Down throw speed halved on frame 33

Forward smash second hit damage (17%, 19%, or 20%) -> (20%, 22%, or 23%), knockback (90/X) -> (101/X)
Forward tilt knockback (96/14) -> (101/14)
Down tilt knockback (50/90) -> (66/90)
Forward aerial second hit knockback (110/20) -> (115/25)
Grounded Spin Attack knockback (72/68) -> (96/68) or (80/~) -> (104/~)
Gale Boomerang close damage (7%) -> (8%)
Gale Boomerang far damage (5%) -> (6%)
Arrows knockback (50/7) -> (65/40), angle (350) -> (10)

Jab initial hits damage (2%) -> (1%), knockback (100/0) -> (75/0), flower element
Jab final hit damage (2%) -> (1%), knockback (160/10) -> (100/10), flower element
Forward tilt is double speed starting on frame 14
Forward tilt far hitbox knockback (88/50) -> (15/70)
Up tilt angle (70) -> (90)
Various small adjustments to forward smash hitboxes (traps better)
Down smash first hit knockback (95/20) -> (100/20), angle (20) -> (25)
Down smash second hit knockback (85/20) -> (100/20), angle (20) -> (25)
Neutral aerial last hit damage (5%) -> (7%)
Back throw knockback (60/80) -> (80/70)
Farore's Wind initial hit damage (6%) -> (8%), knockback (100/40) -> (20/75), angle (80) -> (25)
Farore's Wind reappearance hitbox damage (6%) -> (10%), knockback (100/40) -> (20/80), angle (-) -> (270)

Dash attack sweetspot knockback (100/50) -> (30/90), angle (60) -> (80)
Dash attack sourspot knockback (100/20) -> (10/80), angle (-) -> (40)
Foward tilt inner damage (5%) -> (7%), knockback (100/20) -> (80/32)
Foward tilt outer damage (5%) -> (7%), knockback (100/20) -> (75/40)
Down tilt knockback (80/35) -> (80/50), angle (70) -> (110)
Forward smash first hit knockback (100/0) -> (50/0)
Forward smash secodn hit knockback (100/50) -> (90/50)
Down aerial damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (80/30) -> (30/90), angle (70) -> (75)
Forward throw angle (70) -> (40)
Needles close range damage (3%) -> (4%)

Up tilt wind damage (0%) -> (1%)
Down tilt slip element (like bananas; causes trip)
Down smash first hit sweetspot knockback (100/0) -> (90/0), angle (140) -> (150)
Down smash first hit sourspot knockback (100/0) -> (75/0), angle (50) -> (150)
Down smash second hit damage (14%) -> (16%), knockback (75/60) -> (80/60)
Pummel damage (2%) -> (5%), darkness element
Back throw damage (5%) -> (6%) (New total: 11%)
Up throw damage (3%) -> (5%) (New total: 9%)
Down throw has more constant knockback (50/70) -> (25/75)
Aerial Flame Choke damage (12%) -> (14%)
Dark Dive uppercut damage (7%) -> (18%), knockback (90/70) -> (90/80)
Dark Dive repeated hits damage (1%) -> (2%) (new total: 15%)
Dark Dive throw angle (-) -> (335)
Wizard's Foot startup hit damage (12%) -> (16%), knockback (70/60) -> (65/75)
Wizard's Foot duration hit damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (70/60) -> (70/75)
Aerial Wizard's Foot initial hitbox knockback (100/50) -> (46/40), grounding element
Aerial Wizard's Foot landing hitbox knockback (35/80) -> (0/80), angle (80) -> (0)

Toon Link
Forward smash hit 1 angle (80 or 76) -> (60)
Down smash hit 1 knockback (100/0) -> (80/0), angle (170 or 175) -> (175)
Down smash hit 2 knockback (107/30) -> (95/50), angle (72) -> (64)
Grounded Spin Attack repeated inner hits damage (1%) -> (2%)
Grounded Spin Attack repeated outer hits angle (45) -> (255)

Dash attack knockback (80/30) -> (90/30)
Forward tilt angled straight knockback (100/10) -> (30/55), angle (-) -> (25)
Forward tilt angled up/down damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (100/10) -> (27/50), angle (-) -> (25)
Forward tilt sourspot knockback (100/10) -> (29/55), angle (-) -> (25)
Down tilt knockback (60/80) -> (67/80)
Forward smash angled straight knockback (100/20) -> (105/20)
Forward smash angled down knockback (100/20) -> (105/45)
Down smash first hit knockback (50/90) -> (50/95), angle (70) -> (60)
Down smash second hit knockback (40/80) -> (45/90)
Down aerial knockback (100/2) -> (100/10)
Pummel hitbox 1.25x bigger (can hit Bowser)
Forward throw knockback (55/60) -> (55/75), angle (42) -> (30)
Back throw knockback (55/60) -> (55/75)
Up throw knockback (70/80) -> (00/95)
Down throw knockback -> (50/80) -> (00/95)
Charge Shot levels damage (3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 18, 21, or 25%) -> (3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 23, or 28%)
Charge Shot level 7 knockback (60/32) -> (70/35)
Charge Shot level 8 angle (40) -> (35)
Homing Missile damage (5%) -> (8%)
Super Missile knockback (65/40) -> (90/30)
Bomb damage (5% or 9%) -> (7% or 13%)

Zero Suit Samus
Down tilt damage (6%) -> (8%)
Forward smash inner damage (10%) -> (14%), knockback (100/30) -> (85/45)
Forward smash whip damage (11%) -> (15%), knockback (100/35) -> (85/50)
Forward smash backswing damage (6%) -> (13%), knockback (100/35 or 100/30) -> (70/45)
Down smash knockback (50/40) -> (25/70), angle (70) -> (80)
Forward throw damage (7%) -> (10%) (New total: 12%), knockback (75/55) -> (75/60)
Paralyzer uncharged damage (4%) -> (5%), knockback (100/0) -> (100/10)
Paralyzer charged damage (6%) -> (7%), knockback (100/0) -> (100/20)

Forward aerial damage (13%, 14%, or 15%) -> (14%, 15%, or 16%)
Neutral aerial last hit damage (4%) -> (6%)
Forward throw damage (4%) -> (5%) (New total: 11%), knockback (150/30) -> (150/35)

Ice Climbers
Forward smash knockback (105/30) -> (109/30)
Down smash damage (12%, 10%, 9%, or 8%) -> (13%, 11%, 10%, or 9%)
Up smash knockback (105/50) -> (110/50) or (113/50) -> (121/50)
Popo neutral aerial knockback (100/20) -> (15/80), angle (-) -> (160)
Popo down aerial knockback (90/40) -> (84/56), angle (70) -> (90)
Nana down aerial knockback (130/40) -> (123/56) -> angle (-) -> (20)
Pummel is half speed starting on frame 12
Forward throw damage (5%) -> (7%) (New total: 10%), knockback (60/70) -> (65/90)
Back throw damage (6%) -> (7%), knockback (30/80) -> (60/90)
Down throw damage (6%) -> (7%), knockback (100/30) -> (65/80)

Strong Laser damage (9%) -> (10%)
Forward tilt knockback (100/30) -> (25/55), angle (-) -> (18)
Up throw knockback (72/70) -> (80/70), angle (80) -> (85)
Down throw knockback (20/110) -> (20/80)

Up throw damage (10%) -> (11%)
Copy damage (6%) -> (10%)
Stone damage (18%) -> (20%)
Egg Lay damage (7%) -> (14%)
Nayru's Love initial hit damage (1%) -> (2%), angle (10) -> (170)
Nayru's Love repeating hits angle (10) -> (170)
Nayru's Love final hit angle (-) -> (90)
Shield Breaker angle (-) -> (25)
Chef pan damage (5%) -> (6%), knockback (30/60) -> (115/80), angle (10) -> (90)

Meta Knight
Down smash first hit knockback (93/50) -> (82/50)
Down smash second hit knockback (90/50) -> (78/50)
Mach Tornado lower repeated hits knockback (100/0) -> (0/75)
Mach Tornado upper repeated hits knockback (45/0) -> (0/75), angle (30) -> (45) & (150) -> (135)
Mach Tornado final hit knockback (170/35) -> (0/75)
Shuttle Loop ground damage (9%) -> (6%), knockback (80/90) -> (80/70) & (80/90) -> (90/70)
Shuttle Loop aerial damage (9%) -> (8%), knockback (80/90) -> (90/70)
Dimensional Cape knockback (85/20 or 95/20) -> (100/20 or 110/20)

King Dedede
Down throw knockback (100/0) -> (0/80), angle (20) -> (320)

Captain Olimar
Pikmin Chain for each color:
Red - damage (7%) -> (8%), knockback (90/60) -> (110/60)
Yellow - damage (6%) -> (8%), knockback (90/60) -> (80/75), angle (70) -> (80)
Blue - damage (6%) -> (7%)
White - damage (6%) -> (10%), knockback (90/60) -> (35/60)
Purple - damage (8%) -> (9%), knockback (88/60) -> (90/75)

Fox Illusion damage (4%) -> (5%)

Falco throw laser knockback changed from (80/60) -> (48/70), angle from 50 -> 115
Falco b-throw knockback changed from (80/80) -> (25/90)
Falco d-throw knockback changed from (130/45) -> (10/80)

Forward tilt sweetspot knockback (120/40) -> (130/40)
Forward tilt sourspot knockback (110/10) -> (120/10)
Neutral aerial sweetspot damage (8%) -> (11%)
Neutral aerial repeated hits angle (-) -> (95)
Neutral aerial final hit damage (3%) -> (4%), knockback (100/10) -> (35/30), angle (-) -> (270)
Forward throw damage (3%) -> (4%) (new total: 8%), knockback (130/35) -> (50/80)
Back throw damage (3%) -> (6%) (new total: 10%), knockback (150/40) -> (75/60), angle (68) -> (65)
Up throw knockback (110/75) -> (80/55)
Fire Wolf repeated hits angle (45) -> (125)
Fire Wolf final hit damage (3% or 4%) -> (5% or 6%)

Captain Falcon
Dash attack sweetspot knockback (40/80) -> (25/100), angle (65) -> (75)
Dash attack sourspot knockback (40/65) -> (15/80)
Forward tilt damage (11%, 10%, or 9%) -> (12%, 11%, or 10%), knockback (105/10) -> (110/10)
Up tilt angle (-) -> (20)
Down tilt innermost hitbox damage (10%) -> (12%), knockback (75/25) -> (75/20), angle (20) -> (15)
Down tilt inner hitbox damage (10%) -> (12%), knockback (75/25) -> (75/20), angle (40) -> (35)
Down tilt main hitbox damage (10%) -> (12%), knockback (75/25) -> (75/20), angle (80) -> (85)
Forward smash angled up knockback (85/20) -> (90/20)
Forward smash angled down angle (40) -> (35)
Down smash second hit knockback (90/20) -> (90/35)
Pummel damage (2%) -> (3%), electric element
Forward throw knockback (105/45) -> (20/75)
Back throw knockback (130/30) -> (150/40)
Up throw knockback (105/70) -> (10/85)
Down throw knockback (34/75) -> (20/80)
Forward aerial sweetspot damage (19%) -> (22%)
Neutral aerial second hit damage (6%) -> (8%)
Raptor Boost damage (7%) -> (9%), knockback (52/100) -> (30/95)
Aerial Raptor boost on grounded opponent damage (7%) -> (10%), knockback (80/60) -> (50/75)
Aerial Raptor boost on aerial opponent damage (7%) -> (10%), knockback (60/70) -> (70/60)
Aerial Raptor Boost does not leave Falcon in helpless falling state on hit
Falcon Dive damage (17%) -> (22%), knockback (82/40) -> (95/50)
Falcon Kick hitbox 1 damage (13%) -> (14%), knockback (70/50) -> (0/128), angle (45) -> (65)
Falcon Kick hitbox 2 damage (11%) -> (12%), knockback (40/62) -> (0/110), angle (85) -> (80)
Falcon Kick hitbox 3 damage (7%) -> (8%), knockback (60/50) -> (0/102), angle (50) -> (95)
Aerial Falcon Kick hitbox 1 damage (15%) -> (16%), knockback (70/40) -> (70/65), angle (-) -> (80)
Aerial Falcon Kick hitbox 2 damage (13%) -> (14%), knockback (65/40) -> (65/65), angle (-) -> (80)
Aerial Falcon Kick hitbox 3 damage (11%) -> (12%), knockback (60/40) -> (60/65), angle (-) -> (80)

Forward throw knockback (110/45) -> (10/80)
Up throw damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (45/90) -> (45/100)
Down throw knockback (38/60) -> (1/79), angle (80) -> (95)

Water Gun knockback (0/0) -> (0/20)

Down smash damage (8%) -> (9%), knockback (80/40) -> (80/60)
Back aerial damage (2% and 3%) -> (4% and 5%)
Down aerial damage (8% or 10%) -> (14% or 16%)
Bullet Seed startup hit damage (4%) -> (2%)
Vine Whip that does not target the ledge now has more ending lag and does not enable the helpless fall state

Forward smash second hit damage (17%) -> (19%), knockback (98/40) -> (105/28)
Down smash knockback (80/40) -> (90/40)
Forward aerial glancing hit damage (2%) -> (4%)
Back aerial sweetspot knockback (130/30) -> (130/45)
Glide attack knockback (85/65) -> (100/80)
Down throw angle (45) -> (40)

Dash attack sweetspot damage (10%) -> (11%)
Dash attack sourspot damage (7%) -> (8%)
Forward tilt strange hitbox damage (7%) -> (8%)
Forward tilt first hit damage (5%) -> (6%)
Forward tilt second hit damage (8%) -> (9%)
Down tilt damage (7%) -> (8%)
Forward smash sweetspot (far) damage (16%) -> (17%)
Forward smash sourspot (close) damage (14%) -> (15%)
Down smash damage (14%) -> (15%)
Up smash sweetspot damage (13%) -> (14%)
Up smash sourspot (late) damage (9%) -> (10%)
Force Palm projectile close damage (10%) -> (15%), knockback (60/50) -> (60/60)
Force Palm projectile mid damage (9%) -> (12%), knockback (60/50) -> (60/60)
Force Palm projectile far damage (8%) -> (10%)

Down smash knockback (66/34) -> (66/50)
Dash attack angle (-) -> (15)
Back aerial damage (12%) -> (13%), knockback (90/10) -> (70/8)
Neutral aerial sweetspot damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (90/20) -> (90/18), angle (-) -> (25)
Up aerial damage (9%) -> (10%), knockback (100/30) -> (100/28)
Pummel speed doubled frames 5-13
U-throw damage (10%) -> (11%)
Pound damage (11%) -> (12%), knockback (75/52) -> (75/50)

Down smash outer hits angle (35) -> (25)
Forward/back throw damage (4%) -> (5%), knockback (50/50) -> (20/80), angle (28) -> (20)
Quick Draw hit speed (ending lag) is doubled on frame 1 (ground and aerial)
Aerial Quick Draw no longer causes helpless fall state

Forward smash damage (18, 20, 22, or 24%) -> (19, 21, 23, or 27%)
Down/Up smash initial hit knockback (100/0) -> (50/0)
Down throw main hits damage (1%) -> (2%) (New total: 14%)
Pk Flash knockback (70/10) -> (75/20)
Pk Fire pillar knockback (30/10) -> (30/7), angle (68) -> (112)

Jab 3 damage (4%) -> (6%)
Up tilt damage (8%) -> (9%), knockback (105/40) -> (95/37)
Down tilt knockback (22/6) -> (0/34), angle (0) -> (315)
Back aerial early hit damage (9%) -> (11%)
Back aerial sweetspot damage (12%) -> (18%), knockback (90/30) -> (75/60)
Back aerial sourspot damage (10%) -> (12%)
Back aerial late hit damage (7%) -> (9%)
Down aerial lower main hits damage (5%) -> (4%), knockback (10/50) -> (0/60)
Down aerial upper main hits damage (5%) -> (4%), knockback (100/0) -> (0/35)
Down aerial final sweetspot damage (5%) -> (8%), knockback (110/10) -> (45/40)
Down aerial final sourspot angle (-) -> (270)
Up throw damage (10%) -> (11%), knockback (65/80) -> (62/80)
Pk Freeze knockback (40/50) -> (15/70), angle (70) -> (0)
Pk Fire hit damage (3%) -> (4%)
Pk Fire sweetspot (6%) -> (8%)
Pk Fire sourspot (4%) -> (6%)
Spotdodge speed doubled on frame 19 (New total duration: 22 frames)

Jab 3 knockback (105/60) -> (80/60)
Forward tilt 1 damage (8%) -> (7%)
Up tilt knockback (95/55) -> (83/55)
Down smash mine knockback (58/90) -> (62/95), angle (88) -> (90)

Dash attack sweetspot damage (6%) -> (7%)
Dash attack sourspot damage (4%) -> (5%)
Down tilt inner damage (6%) -> (7%), knockback (80/40) -> (20/80), angle (80) -> (90)
Down tilt mid damage (6%) -> (8%), knockback (80/40) -> (10/40), angle (70) -> (55)
Down tilt outer damage (6%) -> (9%), knockback (80/30) -> (15/80), angle (-) -> (70)
Up smash repeated hits knockback (100/0) -> (150/0)
Up aerial final hit damage (6%) -> (7%)
Down aerial early damage (8%) -> (10%)
Down aerial late damage (7%) -> (9%)
Neutral aerial knockback (X/20) -> (X/40)
Down throw angle (20) -> (0)
Spring projectile damage (4%) -> (5%), angle (-) -> (270)

Stage changes
Luigi's Mansion progresses at 1/2 speed
Mushroomy Kingdom progresses at 1/2 speed
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 has a higher ceiling (NTSC-U only)
Spear Pillar has a higher bottom blast zone and individually selectable forms (NTSC-U only)
PictoChat progresses at 2/3 speed
WiFi Training Room replaces Hanenbow in versus mode (NTSC-U only)
Temple has closer top and bottom blast zones (NTSC-U only)
Corneria has further top, left, and right blast zones (NTSC-U only)
Green Greens progresses at 2/3 speed
Big Blue progresses at 2/3 speed

Uff, son muchisimos cambios, pero todos son verdaderos, pero creoq ue no hay mejor prueba que la experiencia verdad? :D
Asi que, que esperas? Prueba Balanced Brawl!! No te arrepentiras!

Gracias a todos por apoyar el tema de Brawl+, y esperemos que este tema sea igual de exitoso que el anterior.
Pasa por mis otros temas!!

Tema Oficial de Musica Custom, Aporta, Pide, Ayuda, de todo un poco!!

Brawl+, uno de los mejores Hacks de Brawl, quizas el mejor, una alternativa de juego rapida, competitiva y muy ajustable!!

Muchas gracias y
woow nunca oi hablar de este brawl, muchas grax, tal vez este me sirva, porque el + y pal no esque sean muy amigos, probare con homebrew aver, la evrsion original del dvd 9 sirve no?
Cualquier version del DVD sirve. Sea la 5 o la 9.

ok, pues probare y rescato al brawl que lo tenia abandonao, grax de new, luago aviso si me ha funcionado

EDIT: probado y creo que si me funciono auqnue esperaba tener texturas pero me di cuenta k no porque sino habria ams cosas para descargar xD
bueno algunos cambios si se notna, pero al ser mas mecanicos ai que tener algo de vicio para notarlos,muy buen hack
Última edición:
EDIT: probado y creo que si me funciono auqnue esperaba tener texturas pero me di cuenta k no porque sino habria ams cosas para descargar xD
bueno algunos cambios si se notna, pero al ser mas mecanicos ai que tener algo de vicio para notarlos,muy buen hack

Gracias por el apoyo, pero no quize poner la version de texturas ya esas tu las podes conseguir, ademas de que el codigo de remplazo ya esta incluido en el .cht.
Gracias por el apoyo, pero no quize poner la version de texturas ya esas tu las podes conseguir, ademas de que el codigo de remplazo ya esta incluido en el .cht.

a ok, ya encontre el pck de la pagina oficial, pero creo que probare el brawl plus version pal que parece que actualizaron algo y puede que me funcione
hooola, llegue un poco tarde jeje, pero estoy interesando en esto de un brawl distinto jaja... Así que quería hacer una pregunta al creador, para los que no tenemos wii, es posible jugarlo desde un emulador? se puede hacer un rom para correrlo en dolphin?
solo eso quería saber, te felicito por el aporte es muy interesante.
o_O tengo q poder jugar brawl en la wi TOT
me vicie tanto con el juego q el lector ya no lee juegos de doble capa TOT
grax por el Balanced Brawl
Ultimamente han inventado cada ridiculez!!! en ves de dejar los clasicos juegos tl cual como estan, juegn a ser dioses y a modificarlos de forma bil y sin sentido...
Ultimamente han inventado cada ridiculez!!! en ves de dejar los clasicos juegos tl cual como estan, juegn a ser dioses y a modificarlos de forma bil y sin sentido...

Si tenemos el poder, porque no hacerlo?
Ademas de que no tiene nada de malo, son nuestros juegos, nuestra propiedad, lo unico malo que vendria de esto es si lo comercializaran haciendolo pasar por un juego nuevo, cosa que esta mal.

Mira, si no te gusta que modifiquen tu santo grial, esta bien, pero hay gente que le gusta exprimir hasta la ultima gota de "dignidad" para aprovechar al 110% del juego.

Master Out ~
Arriba Pie